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刘慧,博士,现任华中科技大学pbb63365挎包副教授。研究方向为:复杂网络的理论与控制、多智能体系统的协同控制。获得武汉大学学士学位, 武汉大学理学博士学位和荷兰University of Groningen工学博士学位。于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院、香港理工大学电子与信息工程系等做访问学者、博士后。出版学术专著1 部(合著),出版外文书1 章节(英国伦敦IET 出版社),发表SCI/EI 论文20 余篇,SCI 他引260余次(2017年3月)


(1) 获得湖北省优秀博士论文奖(2011年)。

(2) 获得中国网络科学论坛十周年“青年希望奖”(2014年)。

(3) 入选湖北省楚天学子人才计划 (2014年)。

 主要的学术任职中国网络科学专委会委员,IEEE Member。多种国际著名学术期刊/会议评审人: 包括 Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,System and Control Letters, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Nonlinear Dynamics 等; 会议包括 IEEE CDC, American Control Conference (ACC), European Control Conference (ECC), IEEE ISCAS 等。


1. Hui Liu,Jun-an Lu, Jinhu Lü, and David John Hill, “Structure Identification of Uncertain General Complex Dynamical Networks with Time Delay”, Automatica, regular paper, 45(8): 1799-1807, 2009. 他引142次

2. Hui Liu, Haibo Wan, Chi K. Tse, Jinhu Lv. “An Encryption Scheme Based on Synchronization of Two-Layered Complex Dynamical Networks”. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, 63(11): 2010-2021, 2016.  

3. Hui Liu, Ming Cao, Chai Wah Wu, Coupling strength allocation for synchronization in complex networks using spectral graph theory, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, 61(5): 1520-1529, 2014.

4. Hui Liu, Ming Cao, Chai Wah Wu, Jun-An Lu, and Chi K. Tse,Synchronization in directed complex networks using graph comparison tools, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, 62(4): 1185-1194, 2015.

5. Hui Liu, Claudio De Persis, Ming Cao, Robust decentralized output regulation with single or multiple reference signals for uncertain heterogeneous systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 25: 1399-1422, 2015.

6. Hui Liu, Ming Cao, Claudio De Persis, “Quantization effects on synchronized motion of teams of mobile agents with second-order dynamics”, Systems and Control Letters, 61(12), 1157-1167, 2012. 他引14

7. Hui Liu, Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, and Ming Cao, “Generalized Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks via Adaptive Coupling Strengths”, Physica A, 389: 1759-1770, 2010.  (Impact factor 1.785. It was ranked 12th on the TOP25 Hottest Articles of Physica A, January-March, 2010.) 他引66

8. Hui Liu, Jun-an Lu, and Qunjiao Zhang, “Projectively lag synchronization and uncertain parameters identification of a new hyperchaotic system”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 62, 427-435, 2010.他引12

9. Juan Chen, Hui Liu, Jun-an Lu, Qunjiao Zhang, “Projective and lag synchronization of a novel hyperchaotic system via impulsive control”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16, 2033-2040, 2011. 他引15

10. Jun-an Lu, Jinhu Lü, Hui Liu, Juan Chen, “New progress on structure identification of complex dynamical networks”, 复杂系统与复杂性科学Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 7(2-3), 63-69, 2010. (in Chinese)

11. Hui Liu, Zengyang Li, Jun-an Lu, “Weighted Scale-Free Network Model with Evolving Local-world”, 复杂系统与复杂性科学Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 3(1), 36-43, 2006. (in Chinese)


12. 陆君安、刘慧、陈娟.  复杂动态网络的同步, 高等教育出版社,  20166月第1版,280千字.  获得国家科学技术学术专著资助).    ISBN 9787040451979

13. Hui Liu, Ming Cao, Chai Wah Wu. “Graph Comparison and Synchronization in Complex Networks” // Editor: Nishio Yoshifumi. Oscillator Circuits: Frontiers in Design, Analysis and Applications. 1st ed. London: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), November 2016, pages 183-201.  Book DOI: 10.1049/PBCS032E, Chapter DOI: 10.1049/PBCS032E_ch10, e-ISBN: 9781785610585. 


1. 基于图谱方法的多层网络层间作用机理及动力学分析,国家自然科学基金面上项目,基金号:61773175,2018/01-2021/12,主持

2. 基于粗糙信息的多自主体编队控制,国家自然科学基金青年项目,基金号: 61403154,2015/01-2017/12, 主持

3. 有限时间收敛的多智能体编队控制,华中科技大学自主创新基金项目,2014/01-2015/12,主持


5. 基于耦合矩阵特征值谱分布的网络拓扑结构与同步动力学关系研究,国家自然科


