[1] 换流站、输电线路地震应急策略与现场应急处置系统研究(国网电力科学研究院)
[2] 区域综合能源供应系统模型及规划技术研究(国家电网公司总部科技项目)
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71671074)
[4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51208223)
[5] 湖北自然科学基金面上项目(2014CFB238)
[6] 华中科技大学自主创新基金
[1] Min Ouyang, Min Xu, Chi Zhang, and Shitong Huang. Mitigating electric power system vulnerability to worst-case spatially localized attacks. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 2017, 165, 144-154.
[2] Min Ouyang, Yiping Fang. A mathematical framework to optimize critical infrastructure resilience against intentional attacks. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2017. DOI: 10.1111/mice.12252.
[3] Min Ouyang. A mathematical framework to optimize resilience of interdependent critical infrastructure systems under spatially localized attacks. European Journal of Operational Research. 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2017.04.022.
[4] Min Ouyang and Zhenghua Wang. Resilience assessment of interdependent infrastructure systems: With a focus on joint restoration modeling and analysis, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Special Issue on Resilience Engineering. 2015, 141: 74-82.
[5] Min Ouyang, Leonardo Duenas-Osorio. Multi-dimensional hurricane resilience assessment of electric power systems. Structural Safety 2014, 48: 15-24.
[6] Min Ouyang. Review on modeling and simulation of interdependent critical infrastructure systems. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 2014, 121: 43-60.
[7] Min Ouyang and Leonardo Due?as-Osorio. A three-stage resilience analysis framework for urban infrastructure systems. Structural safety. 2012, 36, 23-31.
[8] Min Ouyang and Leonardo Due?as-Osorio. Time-dependent resilience assessment and improvement of urban infrastructure systems. Chaos.2012, 22, 033122 .
[9] Min Ouyang and Leonardo Due?as-Osorio. An approach to design interface topologies across interdependent urban infrastructure systems. Reliability engineering and system safety. 2011, 96(1): 1462-1473.
[10] Min Ouyang, Liu Hong, Zijun Mao, Ming-hui Yu, Qi Fei. A Methodological approach to Analyze Vulnerability of Interdependent Infrastructures. Simulation practice and theory. 2009, 17(5): 817-828.