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2013- 测量科学与仪器系系主任,2016- 华中科技大学三级教授。










  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61571199、基于磁化率虚部的磁纳米温度成像方法与关键技术研究、2016/01-2019/12

  2. 湖北省国际合作项目,2017AHB039,精密热操控磁纳米肿瘤热疗装置与试剂合作研发,2017.1-2018.12


    [1] Shiqiang Pi, Wenzhong Liu and Tao Jiang, Real-time and quantitative isotropic spatial resolution susceptibility imaging for magnetic nanoparticles, Measurement Science and Technology(2018) 29(3)

    [2] Shiqiang Pi, Wenzhong Liu*, Kai Wei, Ewa Mosiniewicz-Szablewska, AC Magnetic Nanothermometry: An Investigation of the Influence of Size Distribution of Magnetic NanoparticlesIEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2017.3.1, 533

    [3] Zhongzhou Du, Wenzhong Liu* and et al.. Design and use of a very stable magnetic nanothermometer. Measurement Science and Technology 27 (2016) 045901

    [4] Shiqiang Pi, Jing Zhong, Kai Wei, Wenzhong Liu*. Optimal Anti-noise Ability and High Sensitivity in Magnetic Nanothermometry[J]. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (2016) 15(3).

    [5] Le He, Wenzhong Liu*, Qingguo Xie, et al. A fast and remote magnetonanothermometry for a liquid environment[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 27 (2016) 025901.MST highlight亮点论文)

    [6] Wenbiao Xu, Wenzhong Liu*, Pu Zhang. Nanosecond-resolved temperature measurements using magnetic nanoparticles[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (2016) 054902.

    [7] Shiqiang Pi , Wenzhong Liu* , and at al.. Towards real-time and remote magnetonanothermo- -metry with temperature accuracy better than 0.05 K. Sensors and Actuators A 234 (2015) 263–268

    [8] Jing Zhong, Wenzhong Liu*, Li Kong, Paulo Cesar Morais. A new approach for highly accurate, remote temperature probing using magnetic nanoparticles. Scientific reports, 2014, 4.

    [9] Jing Zhong, Wenzhong Liu*,and et al. Real-time magnetic nanothermometry: The use of magnetization of magnetic nanoparticles assessed under low frequency triangle-wave magnetic fields. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2014 Sep;85(9):094905.

    [10] Jing Zhong, Wenzhong Liu*, and et al. A noninvasive, remote and precise method for temperature and concentration estimation using magnetic nanoparticles. Nanotechnology (2012)Vol. 23 Iss. 7.

    [11] Jing Zhong, Wenzhong Liu*, and et. al. Ferrofluid clustering driven by dilution: An alternating current susceptibility investigation. J. Appl. Phys. 2012 111: 064317

    [12] Wenzhong Liu*, Jing Zhong, Qing Xiang, Guang Yang, Ming Zhou. Discretization of Magnetization Curves and Their Application in Size Estimation of Nano-sized Ferrofluid. IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology 2011 Vol. 10 Iss. 6 pp 1231-7

    [13] Wenzhong Liu*, Ming Zhou, Li Kong. Estimation of the size distribution of magnetic nano- -particles using modified magnetization curves. Measurement Science and Technology, 20 (2009) 125802 (7pp)

    [14] Jing Zhong, Qing Xiang, Fanyao Qu, Paulo Cesar Morais and Wenzhong Liu*. Second-order-like cluster-monomer transition within magnetic fluids and its impact upon the magnetic susceptibility. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2012, 7:167.

    [15] Zhongzhou Du, Rijian Su, Wenzhong Liu* and Zhixing Huang. Magnetic Nanoparticle Thermometer: An Investigation of Minimum Error Transmission Path and AC Bias Error. Sensors 2015, 15, 8624-8641; doi:10.3390/s150408624


    [1] 刘文中,李寅等 Paramagnetism-based remote temperature measurement method for a magnetic nanoparticle, 美国专利号:US 8,498,837 B2,欧洲专利号: EP 11860133.5


    [3] 刘文中,钟景等 Method and system for in-vivo temperature measurement based on magnetization of magnetic nanoparticle. 美国专利号:US 9,301,693 B2

    [4] 刘文中、钟景、蒋玲等,Magnetic Nano Temperature Measurement Method Using Triangle Wave Excitation Magnetic Field. 美国专利号:US9,534,963 B2

    [5] 刘文中,李寅 等。基于顺磁特性的磁纳米粒子远程温度测量方法(中国专利授权:201110055939.4

    [6] 刘文中、皮仕强、毛文平等,一种磁纳米温度成像方法及系统(授权号: 201410128659.5

    [7] 刘文中,向青 等。一种磁纳米粒子粒径表征方法(授权号:200910273185.2

    [8] 张朴、钟景、刘文中等,基于磁纳米粒子交流磁化强度的在体温度测量方法(专利号:201310065896.7


    [1] 刘文中、钟景、蒋玲等,一种三角波激励磁场下的磁纳米温度测量方法,日内瓦发明展专利银奖。

    [2] 湖北省科学技术奖(技术发明类)一等奖