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发布时间:2018-07-23 编辑:张惠兰 来源:科研

报告题目:Control for Intelligent Manufacturing - An Academic Perspective

报 告 人:Han-xiong Li教授(City University of Hong Kong



摘要:The “Made in China 2025” initiative will require full automation in all sectors, from customers to production. This will result in great challenges to manufacturing systems in all sectors. In the future of manufacturing, all devices and systems should have sensing and basic intelligence capabilities for control and adaptation.

In this talk, after discussing multiscale dynamics of the modern manufacturing system, a five-layer functional structure is proposed for uncertainties processing. Multiscale dynamics include: multi-time scale, space-time scale, and multi-level dynamics. Control action will differ at different scales, with more design being required at both fast and slow time scales. More quantitative action is required in low-level operations, while more qualitative action is needed regarding high-level supervision. Intelligent manufacturing systems should have the capabilities of flexibility, adaptability, and intelligence. These capabilities will require the control action to be distributed and integrated with different approaches, including smart sensing, optimal design, and intelligent learning. The integration of all these approaches is a large-scale challenge.

简介:李涵雄,1982 年于国防科大获学士学位,1991 年于荷兰代尔夫特(Delft)科技大学获硕士学位,1997 年于新西兰奥克兰(Auckland)大学获博士学位;八十年代曾在总参三部从事卫星技术侦察,后在中国国际信托投资公司从事投资的可行性研究;九十年代在国际电子封装巨头ASM公司做过高级过程工程师,随后任教于香港城市大学系统工程及工程管理系。现为国家“千人计划”学者,教育部长江学者, IEEE Fellow2004年国家杰出青年基金(海外类)获得者。长期从事智能制造和智能控制方面的研究。获国家发明专利7项,出版英文专著2本,在国际权威学术刊物上发表SCI 论文200 多篇,外引5000 余次, h-index 41 (web of science)。自2014 以来一直被国际权威出版社Elsevier评为中国高被引学者。